
Friday, December 2, 2011

Venona and the Maturation of American Counterintelligence [1]
Presented at the Symposium on Cryptologic History 
John F. Fox, Jr., FBI Historian 

One man was tall, thin, a genius linguist at the NSA who was working on breaking coded telegrams sent from Soviet offices in the US to Moscow. [2] The other was a lawyer and cop, a young FBI supervisor recently transferred to Headquarters. A relationship did not blossom immediately and neither man knew what, if anything, to expect from the other. Some might predict that men from such diverse institutional cultures would be incompatible. And yet within weeks, a working relationship and, thereafter, a friendship grew between the NSA's Merideth Gardner and FBI Special Agent Lamphere. Lamphere later described this success saying:

"I stood in the vestibule of the enemy's house, having entered by stealth. I held in my hand a set of keys ...and we were determined to use them. [3]

FBI Counterintelligence Before Venona
Although the origins of the FBI's counterintelligence responsibilities are to be found at its birth in 1908, the FBI's permanent emergence as a key part of America's intelligence community began the mid-1930's. As war broke out in Europe in 1939, the FBI received official confirmation of its role in counterintelligence in cooperation with ONI and MID. In June 1940, Roosevelt even tasked the Bureau with responsibility for foreign intelligence in the western hemisphere. From the entry of the US into the war in 1941, the FBI, with cooperation of its fellow agencies and significant foreign allies, effectively negated Axis intelligence operations in the US and the western hemisphere. 

The Bureau was distinctly less successful in identifying the Soviet threat during the same period. Many young leftists in the early 1930's had entered the government in the early throes of the New Deal and embraced a Communist siren under whose call significant numbers of them were willing to pass along valuable information to the Soviet Union during the war. A general leftist tilt in the government meant that these ideologues blended well into the Washington bureaucracy while keeping their strong Soviet sympathies largely hidden. The tradecraft of Soviet intelligence personnel, the well honed Communist Party tradition of conspiracy, and a lack of concern in the Roosevelt administration towards Soviet spying meant that little of this growing Soviet intelligence web was found except by accident in the opening years of the war.

But by 1943 the FBI was beginning to sense the outlines of the Soviet effort. Surveillance of Communist functionary Steve Nelson revealed the infiltration of the Manhattan project and alerted the FBI to the role that Soviet diplomats played in gathering intelligence information sparking the COMRAP or Comintern Apparatus Case. A number of Communist Infiltration or COMINFIL investigations into communist penetration of specific industries were launched. Another tantalizing set of clues to Soviet intelligence emerged in the ALTO Case, where the Bureau intercepted coded messages passed from Soviet agents in Mexico to a mail drop in the United States run by a Lydia Altschuler for whom the case was named. The messages' book code was unreadable until several years later when Venona mentioned what book to use and the Bureau learned that these messages concerned Soviet attempts to free Trotsky's assassin. Nor were these the only significant investigations conducted in the last years of WWII. Still, the Bureau's investigations revealed few spies in real time and the scope of Soviet intelligence operations in the United States remained hidden.

This situation did not last. Two and half weeks after President Truman declared victory, Soviet code clerk Igor Guzenko defected to the RCMP. Director Hoover declared the CORBY Case, as the RCMP investigation was known, to be the Bureau's top priority. On November 7th, Elizabeth Bentley visited the FBI's New York office and began to recount her role as a courier for two espionage rings in Washington, DC Continuing her confessions through the month, she named dozens of persons in the US who had given her information. She identified as Soviet agents persons in the White House, the State Department, the War Department, the OSS, and many other departments. And unknown to her, much of what she was saying fit in with what the Bureau knew from its other investigations. Bentley was connecting the dots found by the few Agents working Soviet FCI during the war. The GREGORY case, as the Bentley inspired investigation was called, immediately became a much greater priority than Corby.

Initially the Bureau tried to use Bentley as a double agent. However, it was immediately clear that the Soviets were done with her. Worse, many of her numerous contacts had been put on ice following Guzenko's defection and so even as the FBI initiated widespread surveillance of those named by her, there was little actual espionage being conducted that the Bureau could discover. 

By January 1947, investigation into Bentley's leads had reached a dead end and the Bureau debated what to do. Analysis of the many Gregory-related files across the Bureau's organization showed that the likely result of bringing any case to trial would result in "an acquittal under very embarrassing circumstances." [4]

Bentley had come with a wealth of knowledge, but little else. That did not mean that the Bentley case was a failure. 27 government employees had been identified by Bentley as Soviet agents and 21 non-government employees. The case had led the Bureau to nine subjects about whom it had previously not had any information, one of whom worked in the government. And it provided strong corroboration of the bona fides of Whittaker Chambers and confirmation of earlier Bureau investigative conclusions.

In the end, a case summary was turned over to the Department of Justice for consideration of whether or not to prosecute. [5] Within days, a senior Justice Department official had leaked information about the case to the press, destroying any chance to continue it as a counterintelligence investigation. The Bureau was furious. Attorney General Clark told the Bureau that he knew who the leaker was and that the problem would not repeat itself; it did, but that problem is for another paper. Clark then asked the Bureau which of three approaches should be taken with the case: 1) continue it as an intelligence operation; 2) openly interrogate a select number of principles; or 3) furnish individual departments with evidence of the conspiracy sufficient to dismiss those Soviet agents still in federal employ?

Hoover assigned the matter to his Executive Conference, but didn't think much would come of the case. The Conference agreed. The case could no longer be continued as an intelligence investigation as all of the subjects were "very security conscious." Furthermore, due to publicity, the effective interrogation of select principles had been compromised by the leaks. Prosecuting the matter successfully was also unlikely.
In the end, the AG decided to have the Bureau interview the principals with the hope that better evidence could be developed. Even before the Bureau followed through on the AG's orders, the effects of the Bureau's investigation and the subsequent leaks to the press began having an impact. In February, Alger Hiss left the Federal government for the Carnegie foundation and the next month Harry Dexter White left the International Monetary Fund. By mid-April, the FBI had conducted many of the interviews of targets in the Gregory Case, most of them on the same day, but "no material admissions were obtained" from the subjects and by the end of spring, Justice had adopted a new tactic: the Federal grand jury of the Southern District of New York. In the end, this tactic won two convictions, Alger Hiss and William Remington, both for perjury. 

While the grand jury began to call witnesses, significant changes were occurring in American intelligence. On July 26, President Truman signed the National Security Act creating the Central Intelligence Agency and an American Intelligence Community. Under this new law, domestic counterintelligence remained with the Bureau. Other aspects of intelligence work also remained outside of the new CIA, specifically the Army's cryptanalytic efforts. One of these efforts, Venona, had begun several years earlier, but it is with what happened at the beginning of September that we are concerned.

The Bureau Learns About Venona
It was on September 1, that the FBI's liaison to the NSA, Special Agent S. Wesley Reynolds, was briefed by Colonel Carter Clarke on the breaks in Soviet diplomatic messages. Clarke asked Reynolds if the Bureau knew of any Soviet covernames that might help his team's effort. Reynolds soon turned over a list of 200 known covernames that the FBI had acquired. Most of them had not been found in the traffic to that point. From NSA, the FBI received the fragmentary decrypts produced so far. Reynolds turned them over to the Espionage Section of the Security Division, and the message fragments were placed in a safe and forgotten. [6]

Several months later a new supervisor, Robert Lamphere, took an interest in that safe with "several pieces of paper that had a special top-secret classification." Lamphere had joined the Bureau in September of 1941. After training he was assigned to the field and eventually to New York where the counterintelligence bug bit him. He worked several important cases there including investigations of Hede Massing and Gerhart Eisler. In September of 1947 he was transferred to Headquarters as a Supervisory Special Agent and placed in charge of counterintelligence coverage of countries satellite to the Soviet Union. By March of 1948, Lamphere was longing for a more active CI role and asked his Section Chief Pat Coyne if he could tackle the fragmentary decrypts that NSA had supplied to the Bureau. Coyne agreed and Reynolds arranged for Lamphere to meet with Frank Rowlett. Rowlett forcibly impressed on him the need for security in dealing with the fragmentary material and introduced him to NSA's Merideth Gardner. [7]

When they first met, Gardner was reserved and could not suggest how Lamphere might help him in his work. Lamphere suggested taking one of the messages and writing a memo on it based on FBI information. Gardner was noncommittal but Lamphere went ahead anyway. Every few weeks he would drop off a new memo and pick up any new decrypts. After a few exchanges, Gardner began to get an idea of the resources the FBI brought to the table and wondered if Lamphere could get the plain text of any Soviet messages sent from New York to Moscow. Lamphere called the New York office and received a surprisingly large response. Gardner was thrilled and NSA had soon made some major strides in applying this new material to the coded messages. [8] 

The NSA's work began to have an impact on FBI investigations. On June 4, 1948, Under the signature of Security Division AD Mickey Ladd, Lamphere sent a Top Secret letter to the Washington Field Office relaying information about Max Elitcher, an engineer who was recruited for Julius Rosenberg's spy ring and later provided evidence against him. [9] 
Three lines describing the intelligence about Elitcher have not been released, but given the timing of the letter, Lamphere undoubtedly based the letter on the information found in Gardner's Special Report #6 of April 27th. [10] This report discussed, among other things, Soviet agent Antenna's interest in recruiting Elitcher. Gardner's report had covered more than just Elitcher, but its additional information on Antenna, Antenna's wife, Ethel, and others does not appear to have been disseminated at this time. Lamphere must have been using Elitcher as a test case to evaluate how to apply the Venona intelligence.

This first dissemination of Venona material shows something else about Bureau procedures. The intelligence in Lamphere's letter was attributed to a highly sensitive source, suggesting perhaps a live informant or surreptitious entry. This subterfuge was purposefully used to disseminate Venona material to offices in the Bureau whether the case Agent was indoctrinated into the program or not--and few were. When such intelligence was disseminated, the information always came with the caveat that no dissemination was to be made without Mr. Ladd's approval. The FBI disseminated this sanitized intelligence, still at the TS level, on occasion to the Attorney General and the White House, but in doing so kept the subterfuge that attributed the material to a live source. [11] 

Within a week of the dissemination of the Elitcher information, the Washington office sought headquarters' permission to institute a technical surveillance on Elitcher "to determine if [he] is engaged in espionage or related activities on behalf of the Soviet Government..." per evidence cited in Headquarters' earlier letter. Headquarters, in turn, sought the Attorney General's permission for the surveillance, reporting the disguised information as Lamphere originally wrote it and the Washington Office parroted it. Such surveillance requests were routine and were handled by several people in the Bureau and DOJ. It is not surprising that such a sensitive source would not be named outright in the request, even one that remained Top Secret. Even so, there is nothing that suggests that Attorney General Tom Clarke was ever briefed on Venona even though he received intelligence from the program from time to time. The only evidence I found of the Bureau informing persons outside of the Bureau about the nature of this source during the period this paper covers was when Director Hoover briefed AG Brownell in 1953 about the intelligence regarding Ethel Rosenberg. [12] 

As the Bureau's Elitcher investigation proceeded, further leads into Antenna's spy ring were being produced at NSA. On August 12, Gardner issued a special study based on a revised translation of the Antenna messages. Lamphere immediately put this intelligence into the Bureau investigative pipeline, directing the New York office to consolidate its investigation titled Joel Barr and UNSUB-"Unsub" in Buspeak meaning unknown subject. In the future, New York was to refer to the case only by the title Joel Barr-Espionage, R. No further reference to the unknown subject was to be made "for security reasons." [13]
An October 18 report from New York suggests why this order was made. The report noted that the UNSUB, with aliases ANTENNA/LIBERAL, was believed to have acted as an intermediary between a person and persons working on wartime nuclear fission and was connected to agents covernamed METR and NILS. Information then available about Antenna/Liberal appeared, at first, to be a possible match with Joel Barr, but it was not a certain one and the Bureau eventually rejected it. An important reason for this rejection concerned the bit of information about Antenna's wife, Ethel. This information clearly ruled out Barr who had no such spouse. [14] 

Through the summer and fall of 1948, therefore, the FBI was making significant strides in exploiting NSA's breaks in the Venona traffic. At the same time, the issue of Soviet penetration was becoming a significant political issue that would greatly hamper the FBI's work, though not its relationship with NSA. President Truman had accepted the Democrat Party nomination that July, and within two weeks, the Republican-controlled Congress began hearings based on Soviet penetration of the US government. Elizabeth Bentley was called as a star witness and the dramatic charges, denials, and countercharges filled the hot days of August and September. These hearings emerged from the earlier leaks on Bentley, which had become a torrent by then, and the FBI had to maintain a wary and troubled relationship to the Committee's work, which was often informed by the memories of retired Agents. To the credit of the FBI and the NSA, no aspect of Venona appears to have been compromised through these hearings and through the grand jury investigation; this, of course, was a small victory as William Weisband and Kim Philby did their damage through other channels. 

Given the significant results emerging and the hope of more breakthroughs, it is not surprising that on October 19, 1948, Lamphere and Reynolds of the FBI and Rowlett, Kirby, Gardner and Hayes of NSA, formalized the working relationship begun earlier that year. As Gardner later wrote: "by this time it was amply plain that the FBI was the logical recipient" of the Venona material. Bob Lamphere later described the significance of this period:

We were inside the enemy's house; men were coursing down the corridors, following the leads to which our keys had opened the doors. ...It was easy to envision that soon, very soon, there would be more keys available, more corridors to explore. I could look ahead and see us coming closer and closer... to spies who were actually still at work among us. [15] 

This optimism, though, was in hindsight and no active spies had yet been identified. In fact, the pace of discovery appeared to slow down through the fall of that year. 

The wider world, knowing nothing of Venona's successes, concentrated on the November presidential elections and the public battle over whether Hiss or Chambers was lying. The problem of Soviet penetration seemed to be a partisan battle with President Truman denouncing red herrings and the Republican Congress wondering if it was going to get burned from airing accusations about Alger Hiss and others who vociferously pronounced their innocence. Even the Justice Department was having second thoughts as it considered prosecuting Whittaker Chambers for perjury. 

As the Bureau aided the federal grand jury that was investigating the Bentley leads and considering whether to indict Chambers or Hiss for perjury, it also followed any new leads that came from Gardner and his colleagues. NSA by this time had begun to make larger breaks in a series of messages dealing with an agent named Homer/Gomer, who had access to high level US/British diplomatic messages. At this time no identification could be made. The issue of whether Venona would lead to active spies remained a tantalizing mirage, though, and the work continued. It was frustrating for the FBI to devote tens of thousands of man hours to investigating people one reasonably knew were spies and yet not catch any of them in the act of committing espionage. 

This state did not last through the New Year. On Friday, December 31st, Bob Lamphere returned from meeting with Gardner bearing some newly recovered traffic. One message, dated 1944, described a young woman with a communist background who was moving from New York to Washington to work for the Justice Department. In the message, the KGB reported that it wanted permission to recruit her. Her codename was to be SIMA. Lamphere thought this SIMA might still be active and immediately informed his supervisor, Howard Fletcher, then Number 1 Man in the Espionage Section. Fletcher told Lamphere to wait right there, left his office, and returned a half hour later. The only possible match for SIMA, he reported, was Judith Coplon, an analyst still working in the Department's Foreign Agent Registration Office. She had access to FBI documents. [16]
Holiday forgotten, the FBI immediately worked the SIMA/Coplon case, investigating her background, her access at Justice to FBI records and other sensitive material, and her contacts in and out of the office. Physical and technical surveillance quickly revealed that she was likely an active spy and, given her access to classified material, something had to be done immediately. Since much of her access came from temporary duties she had volunteered for, Coplon was asked to devote her full time to her regular position. Unaware that she had been identified, Coplon maneuvered to continue her access to FBI material.
Given her role in Justice and closeness to the Bureau, the FBI appears to have rejected the option of doubling her and so needed to catch her in the act of spying in order to have a chance to arrest her. Lamphere drew up a dummy FBI report on Amtorg that suggested that the company's attorney, Isidore Needleman, was an FBI source. Coplon's supervisor ensured that she would have access to it and she readily took the bait. When, FBI wiretaps revealed her travel plans to travel to New York City in order to pass what she had collected to her control, the Bureau was ready. From a legal point of view there were a number of pitfalls in this. AAG Peyton Ford told the Bureau that there wasn't enough evidence for a warrant, but that Coplon could be arrested if she was seen giving something that looked like a document to someone else or if the Agents surveilling her had probable cause to think a crime had occurred. The FBI thought this was sufficient and planned to be in a position to make such determinations.

On March 3, 1949, having folded her information carefully into small packages and wrapped them in lingerie, Coplon left for her rendezvous. Bureau Agents followed her to New York where, after extensive maneuvers to detect any surveillance, she met with Valentin Gubitchev, a Soviet national working for the UN. The surveillance was detected and no hand-off of Coplon's material occurred. Instead, the Bureau arrested the pair and seized Coplon's handbag full of information gleaned from FBI materials.

By April 25th, the trial had begun. The US Attorney prosecuting it planned for a short trial; it lasted well into the summer. With luck and bluster and an uncanny knack to embarrass the prosecution, Coplon's over-the-top attorney Archie Palmer overwhelmed the elderly Judge Reeve and the trial descended into farce. On June 1, 1949, Palmer demanded access to all of the data slips Coplon had hidden in her purse, not just those entered into evidence by the prosecution, and then he also demanded the FBI reports on which they were based. Without a legal basis to stop graymail, Judge Reeves decided that there was no national security reason to withhold the material; at worst, he thought, the release would only endanger "individual lives". Palmer then demanded the FBI files on which the slips had been based; Reeves agreed. [17]

Director Hoover was furious as he had strongly opposed the release of the additional data slips and, especially the release of the reports behind them. He had argued that the case should be dropped rather than reveal the FBI materials behind them. And he was right. The press had a field day as the reports, which Palmer insisted should be read into the record, revealed a number of things including FBI surveillance of Soviet nationals at the UN, FBI interest in a number of Hollywood leftists who had communist contacts, and other content from the FBI's files unfairly categorized by the media as a farrago of gossip and unverified rumor. Perhaps we could say the FBI was lucky in that it had avoided a more serious issue. Palmer had not explored the predicate to the FBI's investigation. Had he done so, the security of Venona would have been seriously threatened and even the disclosure that Justice would give up the case rather than compromise the source would have focused attention on that undefined predicate. That Palmer did not raise the issue was the only luck the Bureau had in the trial.

In the end, Coplon was found guilty on two counts. Sentencing was held in abeyance and her bail increased as she was to be tried in New York with Gubitchev later that year. That trial too had its fireworks as FBI wiretaps were exposed and the communist press demanded independent investigations into so-called government illegalities. Coplon, though, was again found guilty. On appeal, the verdict was overturned and she was allowed to go free. The indictment was not dismissed as, according to the appeals judge, the evidence against her was overwhelming. Coplon never served jail time for her crimes.
In the aftermath of this fiasco, the first public reference to Venona derived intelligence was made. In a September 1951 article on the case for True Detective magazine, a writer clearly described the FBI's predicate as a sensitive source that suggested Coplon was being recruited for espionage. Inquiry by the Bureau showed that the leak came from Justice. Fortunately, because attorneys at Justice only knew the sanitized form of the intelligence, its true source was not compromised.

Throughout this period, the FBI's work on Venona-related matters expanded and Lamphere came to head a team of supervisors dedicated to overseeing all Venona-derived investigations across the Bureau. At the same time, these investigations were even branching out internationally. Having met with Carter Clarke on April 4, British intelligence representatives met with Lamphere and other FBI Agents working the Venona material. The British were interested in the Bureau's work on the covernames, especially any work on an agent named REST who was clearly connected to the British role in the Manhattan Engineering District [MED] Project. [18]

The FBI had little on Rest at the time as the information "was very fragmentary...not having been completed to any extent..." by NSA. By August 1949, though, the Bureau had identified a document concerning atomic research that Rest had provided to the Soviets in 1944. Turning to the Atomic Energy Commission, the AEC, the FBI asked for access to the original document and learned that it had been written by Klaus Fuchs, a member of the British delegation to the Manhattan Engineering District project. A review of FBI files showed that Fuch's name had come up earlier in the CORBY case when the RCMP found it in an address book of Israel Halprin, a college professor Guzenko had identified as a Soviet agent. Fuchs was looking like a good candidate for REST. [19]

With these breaks in understanding the REST message, the Bureau reappraised its earlier information and instituted full investigations of Fuchs and his sister, Kristel Heineman. Additional information from a foreign source suggested four possible matches for Rest, Fuchs again being one of them. At the same time, the Bureau conducted additional investigation into identifying GUS/GOOSE who was connected to Rest. By October 29th, the Bureau was formally notified that the British Government was convinced that Fuchs was REST.

Like the subjects of the Gregory Case, though, there was not enough evidence to convict Fuchs and so the British proposed to notify his employer that he presented a grave security risk and to call Fuchs in for extensive interviews. They wanted US permission, though, before they did so. The FBI thought this appropriate and hoped that a Fuchs interview would help to identify GOOSE and others connected to Fuchs's espionage. Beginning on February 2, 1950, Fuchs was interviewed several times by the British.
In a related matter, two weeks after the first interview, Bob Lamphere opened an investigation on Kalibr, the husband of OSA and a contact of Antenna/Liberal. Ironically, this occurred almost simultaneously with Joseph McCarthy's Lincoln Day speech to a Republican ladies' group in Wheeling, West Virginia. While McCarthy railed and the FBI investigated the British continued to interview Fuchs. 

By the third interview with British intelligence, Fuchs had admitted to espionage from the end of 1941 to February of 1949. His admission provided the British government with the leverage it needed to charge him with a crime. Knowing the British were soon to publicly try Fuchs, the Bureau rushed to wrap up the loose ends to its REST investigation. Fletcher, in a memo to Ladd, asked for permission to interview Fuchs's sister before news of her brother's prosecution got out. Permission was granted and the interview was held that day. Meanwhile, the Bureau began to press the British to get answers to US questions about Fuchs's activities in Canada and the US.

As a quick aside, it should be noted that it was in this period that Ted Hall was identified as the Soviet agent with the covername MLAD. Soon, the FBI began considering whether or not Hall was the soldier named SCHMEL whom Gold had visited in New Mexico. With the identification of Greenglass as that soldier, it was clear that Hall was not SCHMEL. Although investigation into Hall continued, he had already decided to become more of a public activist, leaving his underground work, and his control had already fled the country. Like the Gregory subjects, the Bureau had no opportunity to catch Hall actively engaged in espionage work and so could never prosecute him. [20]

Wisely, the Bureau did not look to prosecution as the only, or most important, factor in an FCI investigation. Director Hoover told a House Committee in February 1950 that counter-espionage requires "an objective different from the handling of criminal cases." It is more important is to ascertain his contacts, his objectives, his sources of information and his methods of communication" as "arrest and public disclosure are steps to be taken only as a matter of last resort." He concluded that "we can be secure only when we have a full knowledge of the operations of an espionage network, because then we are in a position to render their efforts ineffective." [21] Clearly, FBI counterintelligence policy was maturing rapidly as it pursued Fuchs's contacts.

Even as the FBI was getting ready to interview Fuchs, it was evaluating how it should handle the Venona materials and leads developed from them. In a May 15, 1950, memo from Alan Belmont, head of the Espionage Section, to Mickey Ladd, the Assistant Director of Division 5, Belmont presented a brief summary of investigative developments through the Venona traffic. The Summary, written by Lamphere, noted that to date, the traffic had provided "certain fairly detailed information" regarding Soviet espionage during the period of April 1944 through March of 1945. Breaking the information down by major investigations, Belmont related how Venona had given good intelligence on the Silvermaster and Altschuler networks, had given important corroboration to information learned in the MOCASE, and had set the Bureau on the trail of a number of other Soviet agents including Kalibr (who would be identified within weeks of this memo), Ted Hall and Saville Sax, Judith Coplon, Klaus Fuchs, Soviet agents close to former VP Wallace, and others. [22]

Belmont further noted that the file dealing with the Venona information was being used as a control file to insure that the individual cases growing out of the information from the NSA were promptly and vigorously handled. Hoover enthusiastically noted that it was "very important to press all angles. Please bring this memo up to date from time to time for my information."

Lastly, Belmont commented on the Bureau's tentative identification of Alger Hiss as ALES, a clear reference to March 1945 message number 1822 in the Washington to Moscow traffic. Belmont said that an agent, cover-named ALES, was a leader of a small group of spies who were mostly relatives, worked in the State Department and gathered intelligence on military issues. Why Hiss is connected with this message is unsurprising. Each of these clues as well as the mention of ALES's connection to the Yalta Conference and a trip to Moscow afterwards each fits what was known about Hiss. Hiss, of course, had been convicted of perjury less than six months before, and would have immediately occurred to Lamphere's team which had worked many aspects of the Silvermaster case during the previous years. Still, the conclusion was not certain. Belmont noted, "an attempt is being made by analysis of the available information to verify this identification."

While the Lamphere's team considered the ALES information, more important successes were made because the British finally allowed Bureau access to Klaus Fuchs. In May of 1950, the diplomatic niceties between the British Home Office and the US State Department had been conducted and the FBI was allowed to send Hugh Clegg and Bob Lamphere to England to talk to Fuchs. Under Lamphere's questioning on May 22, Fuchs positively identified Harry Gold as his contact in the United States. Clegg immediately cabled Washington and Gold was confronted that day. With this, according to Lamphere, "we had cases breaking everywhere" and over the next few weeks, Lamphere worked up to twenty-two hours a day as information "piled up from across the country" on leads from Gold and Fuchs. Most significantly, Fuchs's information unraveled the two-year-old Antenna mystery.

When the Bureau questioned Gold, he said that a contact of his was a man named Greenglass. Greenglass was immediately brought into the New York Office for questioning and it as immediately clear that he was a significant catch. His confession that day was so important that just after midnight on the 16th ASAC Whelan telephoned Security Division Inspector Alan Belmont about Greenglass's interview and two hours later, SA McAndrews called Headquarters to report that New York would be sending out a teletype based on Greenglass's information. The purpose of the warning was to ensure that the message was routed properly, in this case, not simply to the Security Division, but specifically to Bob Lamphere because of the impact it would have on his team's work. [23]

New York transmitted the message at 4:53 a.m. Although based on Greenglass's information, it was titled UNSUB, with aliases Antenna/Liberal. Greenglass had allowed New York to connect many of the pieces in the ANTENNA puzzle. The teletype pointed out that the likely candidate for OSA was Ruth Greenglass; for Ethel--Ethel Rosenberg; for SCHMEL-Greenglass; and for LIBERAL--Julius Rosenberg. [24]

Just after 8:00 a.m., Agents knocked on the door of Julius Rosenberg and asked him into the New York Office for questioning. Rosenberg did not give up any information and eventually left the New York office to meet with an attorney. Because of Greenglass's confession and cooperation, Julius was soon arrested for espionage and a month later, the FBI arrested his wife, Ethel, too. The trial and related matters have been well told by Radosh and Milton and so I won't go into them here, but it should be noted that because Julius was identified by a live person, most of the pitfalls of the Coplon trial could not be repeated. The FBI had learned to develop a criminal case separate from its intelligence work and so avoided the compromise of either one. [25]

In the six years following World War II, the Bureau had moved from having a shadowy perception of the Soviet intelligence threat to having a clear picture of the extent of Soviet penetration of the US government and the damage that its agents had done to America's interests. Venona had been vitally important to this change as Alan Belmont's 1951 update to his earlier summary showed. His memo noted that through Venona, the FBI had identified 108 persons involved in Soviet espionage, 64 of whom had been unknown to the FBI prior to the project. The memo also showed that the FBI had greatly expanded the detail about the Soviet networks broken with the help of Venona intelligence. The FBI now had a clear view of other Soviet intelligence operations in the US too, including its efforts against Trotsky and his followers, the White Russians, and US technical targets. And, according to the memo, the FBI's work on many of these cases continued in earnest. [26]

The FBI's security posture also improved. When the NSA in August of 1950 began compartmenting the Venona information under the codeword Bride and issued special instructions on the handling of such material, the FBI responded by issuing special handling and filing instructions for it and its Files Division created a Special File Room for this material and other source sensitive material that the FBI used. The Bureau also maintained its wariness in sharing intelligence with the Department of Justice, briefing the Attorney General on a need to know basis of course, but restricting the security information passed to lower levels of the Department.

With this vastly clearer image of the threat we faced, the FBI was able to move from a reactive counterintelligence policy to a proactive one, much like its successful effort against the Axis during WWII. By October 1951, the Bureau had initiated a program of intensive coverage of Soviet and Satellite personnel and establishments to thwart Soviet intelligence efforts and those by its allies. Although most of the details of this effort have not been released, it is clear from what is publicly available that this program included intensive electronic surveillance, a long-term effort to develop double agents within hostile intelligence establishments, and an effort to develop other double agents to flush out hostile intelligence personnel.

A 1955 briefing paper for Director Hoover released in the O and C files suggests success in this effort only four years after its initiation. This paper notes that the intensification program had successfully targeted cryptographic materials and penetrated the residences of foreign intelligence personnel. The memo gives eight examples, all of which are withheld, but the number alone suggests achievement. Surveillance, the report adds, also helped to identify a number of American walk-ins to the diplomatic establishments with hostile intelligence services. Upon investigation a number of these walk-ins were determined to have access to classified material. Finally, an intensive program to develop double agents was initiated in order to further Bureau intelligence goals. The 1955 paper cites at least five active double agents run by the FBI as well as several other agents turned over to other agencies to be run overseas. [27]

In short, Venona enabled the Bureau to take a long term approach to counterintelligence designed to develop intelligence about the intentions, activities and personnel engaged in intelligence work in order identify, penetrate, and neutralize these intelligence threats. Counterintelligence, for sure, is not an easy discipline to master, but the Bureau had done so and Venona played a key role in this maturation.

[1] The interpretations and conclusions presented in this paper are those of the author and may not be the official position of the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

[2] A quick aside on terminology. I will use the terms Venona, NSA, and KGB throughout despite their being anachronistic. 

[3] Robert J. Lamphere with Tom Schactman. The FBI-KGB War: a Special Agent's Story. [New York: Random House, 1986.] 

[4] 65-56402-3856, 1/16/1947, Memo, Jones to Ladd.

[5] Ibid.

[6] Robert Benson and Michael Warner, Venona: Soviet Espionage and the American Response, 1939-1957, [Washington, D.C.: National Security Office, 1996], p.xxii

[7] Lamphere, p.81.

[8] Lamphere, p.82.

[9] 101-21157-7, Memo, 6/14/1948, WFO to HQ, Recommendation for Installation of Technical Surveillance.

[10] Gardner's "Special Reports" may be found at the NSA's web site under released materials. These reports and the Venona documents are organized by date of issue.
[11] 101-2115-7.

[12] 65-58236, Memo, Ladd to Director, 1/8/1953, re Julius Rosenberg, Ethel Rosenberg, Espionage-R.

[13] 65-53826-16, Memo, Director to NY, 8/18/1949.

[14] 65-43826-3, Report, NY, 10/18/1948. Lamphere notes that this piece of information was not redacted when release of this report was made in the 1970's. See p.2 of this report.

[15] Lamphere, p.97.

[16] Lamphere, pp.97 to 98.

[17] Thomas and Marcia Mitchell, The Spy Who Seduced America: The Judith Coplon Story, [Mont Pelier, VT: Invisible Cities Press, 2004], pp.104 ff.

[18] 65-58805-1202. 

[19] 65-58805-7, Memo, Fletcher to Ladd, 9/22/2005 and 65-58805-1202.

[20] Benson and Warner, xxvi.

[21] J. Edgar Hoover, Testimony before House Appropriations Committee, 2/7/1950

[22] This document may be found on the FBI web site's electronic reading room under the title "Venona." It consists of documents released to Senator Moynihan under the Freedom of Information Act.

[23] 65-58236-50, Memo, Cox to Belmont, 6/16/1950.

[24] 65-53826-80, TT, NY to Director, 6/16/1950.

[25] Ronald Radosh and Joyce Milton, The Rosenberg File, Second Edition, [New Haven: Yale University Press, 1997].

[26] This memo may also be found in the Venona material released to Senator Moynihan that is posted on the FBI web site. 

[27] J. Edgar Hoover Official and Confidential Files, #149, "U. S. Foreign Intelligence Activities - Brief for Use of Director in Appearance before the Presidential Board to Review Periodically U.S. Foreign Intelligence Activities."

Thursday, December 1, 2011

The Couch Potato’s Guide to Getting Rich

Maybe it’s because the country was raised on the Protestant work ethic. Or maybe it’s that our mother’s words still ring in our heads: “If you don’t work hard, you’ll never amount to much.” Whatever the reason, Americans think they need to work hard to make money and that’s not always true.

Sure, you’ve got to show up and diligently toil at the office. But when you save and invest, you’re better off being a couch potato. The lazy approach to portfolio management wins over “hard work” pretty much every time.

How much does it pay to be lazy? A conservative estimate is that it would pay an average investor somewhere north of $250,000. That’s right. You gain a quarter of a million dollars by doing less — ideally almost nothing. (I’ll explain how in a minute.)

The first time I heard this concept, it was at an investment conference back in the 1980s and Jack Bogle, the founder of Vanguard Investments, was speaking. He talked about his academic research that proved that virtually no one could consistently beat the market over long stretches (like the 40 years we have to invest for retirement). The best you could hope for was to meet the market, which gave you returns that weren’t half bad.

The answer, he said, was invest in a broad swath of stocks and bonds through low-cost index funds and forget about your portfolio. Spend your time living your life instead of researching stocks and bonds. That’s much more fun than sweating over investments anyway.

A few years later, at another investment conference, I discovered Terrance Odean, a Berkeley professor who proved Bogle’s theory by coming at it another way. The more you trade, the more you lose, Odean discovered by examining the real-life portfolios and trading patterns of thousands of investors. His paper, Boys Will Be Boys, is a must-read for those who think they’re going to outsmart the stock market.

But I was reminded of the wisdom of the lazy approach this week by The Oblivious Investor, a neat little blog full of common sense advice. I had gone to read a post about paying for investment advice, but got distracted. (Does the web make everybody ADD, or is it just me?)The next thing I knew, I was reading a wonderful little piece about 8 Lazy Investment Portfolios. (In truth, the post is titled 8 Lazy ETF Portfolios, but that was so Wall Street-speak that I had to edit. ETF is short for Exchange Traded Fund and the only magic about this type of mutual fund is that they’re super-low cost.)

In the post, the Oblivious Investor outlines the simple portfolios recommended by 8 lauded experts.

All of these portfolios are low-cost; tinker-free plans. You buy them and leave them alone.
”The only difference: You plug your own numbers into my portfolio planner to match your age and circumstances, so your tinker-free portfolio will meet your cash needs and suit your personality. That, presumably, will help you leave your stocks alone during volatile times like these, which could save you a fortune over the long run.

So how does being lazy pay you money? If you read Odean’s research, you’ll find that frequent trading costs you roughly 2.65 percentage points in annual investment returns. That means that, instead of earning an average of, say, 8 or 9% on a portfolio that you buy and leave alone, you’d earn between 5.35% and 6.35% by tinkering with it.

To see how that affects you in dollars and sense, we turn to “simple savings calculator” at If we assume that you start investing $150 a month at age 25 and continue to contribute that same amount for the next 40 years, you’d end up with a portfolio worth $527,292 if you’re lazy enough to leave it alone and earn the average return of a diversified portfolio of about 8%. But, if you tinkered around — which triggers taxes and trading costs — you’d only earn an average of 5.35%, according to Odean’s analysis. That would leave you with $252,229 — some $275,063 less.

If you assume higher rates of return on your investments, or if you invest more on a monthly basis, the cost of tinkering becomes even more onerous. Let’s say you invest $250 a month and earn 9% on average. At retirement, the couch potato’s portfolio would be worth $1.179 million. The tinkerer’s portfolio (which earned just 6.35% on average) is worth $550,945 — an astounding $628,412 less.

The only tinkering you should do with your portfolio is to “rebalance” once a year. What that means is you look at the percentage of your assets that you have in each asset class — stocks, bonds, cash, etc. — and make sure that matches with the percentage that you think you should have based on your age, assets and goals. 

But you just heard somebody say “This is a trader’s market! Buy and hold is dead!” Find out what they’re selling. It’s not impartial investment advice. Those who have nothing to sell you — the professors, the pundits and the cynical journalists like me — are going to tell you that you’ll make more in the investment world when you’re lazy than you ever could by trying to outsmart Wall Street.

(Note: Re blogged with permission by Author)


Wednesday, November 30, 2011

To help protect your vehicle, please review the following information.

More than one million cars, trucks, buses, motorcycles, and trailers are stolen every year. There were over 1.2 million thefts of vehicle contents and almost 1.3 million thefts of accessories from motor vehicles in 1983. The recovery rate for stolen vehicles was 54 percent in the early 1980s compared to 90 percent in the 1960s.

Take the following steps to help protect your property:
  • Park in a well lit area when possible. Avoid leaving your car, truck, or motorcycle in unattended parking lots for long periods of time.
  • Keep your keys in your pocket or purse, not in your desk drawer or locker. Never put an identification tag on your key ring. If your keys are lost or stolen, it could help a thief locate your car or burglarize your home.
  • Lock the car and pocket the key whether you leave for a minute or several hours. Make sure the windows are closed and the trunk is locked. This includes vehicles parked inside your garage; we frequently see reports where vehicles thought to be secured inside a garage are prowled.
  • Do not leave important identification papers in the glove compartment or console.
  • If you have to leave a key with repair shop or a parking lot attendant, leave only the ignition key. It takes very little time to copy a key, and a key to your house, combined with your address information from the vehicle registration, can lead to residential burglaries.

What is a VIN?
Since 1969, the federal government has required manufacturers to engrave a unique number, the VIN (Vehicle Identification Number), on all passenger cars in one visible and several hidden locations. One VIN is engraved on a metal plate on the dashboard near the windshield. When a car is reported stolen, police send its VIN to the FBI's computerized National Crime Information Center.

Make sure your car's VIN and a complete description are recorded and kept in a safe place at home.

When you are buying a new or used car, check the VIN plate and make sure it matches the VIN on the ownership papers.

Special Tips to Protect Bicycles, Motorcycles, and Trail Bikes
  • Mark the vehicle with an identification number recommended by your local law enforcement agency. Your driver's license number, preceded by the two-letter state code that issued the license, is a good choice.
  • Park out of sight in a garage or basement, or use a cover.
  • Always lock your bicycle with a case-hardened chain or cable and lock, winding the cable through the frame and both wheels and then around a fixed object.
  • Watch out for key numbers. Some motorcycle manufacturers stamp the key number on the lock. With this number, anyone can go to a key maker and have a key cut that will fit perfectly. Many key makers do ask for identification, but don't take any chances. Write down your key number and then file it off the lock.
  • Use the fork lock found on most street motorcycles. For extra protection, invest in a heavy U-shaped lock made of extremely hard steel that cannot be hack-sawed, or use case-hardened chain and a sturdy padlock.

Special Tips to Protect Trucks and Recreational Vehicles
  • Many specialized vehicles don't have VINs and should be marked with an identification number, such as a driver's license number.
  • Lock up all easy-to-carry items like outboard motors and camping gear before leaving your vehicle.
  • Use secured "toppers" or tool boxes. Don't assume a thief cannot lift a box because it is heavy.

What To Do If It Happens To You
If your car, truck, or bike is stolen or tampered with, report it to the local Police or Sheriff's Office immediately. Stolen vehicles are often used in other crimes. Quick action can not only help recover your vehicle but may also prevent its use for illegal purposes.

How to Avoid Buying a Stolen Vehicle
  • Look for the VIN and compare it to the VIN on the ownership documents.
  • Ask the seller about the vehicle's history and past financing and insurance. Check this information out with the bank or insurance company.
  • Be wary when purchasing used parts for auto repairs. A price that sounds too good to be true might mean that you're indirectly encouraging theft by buying from a "chop shop," a place that purchases stolen cars and dismantles them in order to sell the parts.


4 Things to Buy at Target

Target has long cultivated an image as a great place to buy “cheap chic” clothes and housewares designed by the likes of Zac Posen, Jean Paul Gaultier, and Michael Graves. Of course the nation’s second-largest discount chain also offers the mundane staples of consumer retail — and over the past few years, it has expanded its offerings and now stocks exclusive products in a broad range of categories. Most recently, Target added fresh groceries to the line-up.

While Target will seldom beat Walmart on price alone, its prices are still competitive; and starting this fall, holders of its store credit card will get a 5 percent discount on all purchases. Here are four categories — other than clothes and tea kettles — where it makes particular sense to shop at the store whose fans use a French accent to emphasize their affection for “Tar-zhay.”

1. The Kindle

If you’re tempted to buy the popular e-book reader from Amazon, but want to try it out first and perhaps compare it to Barnes & Noble’s Nook, Target is the place to go: It’s the only national brick-and-mortar retailer to carry it. The brand new Kindle 3, which is smaller and lighter than previous models, will sell for $189 at Target, the same price as at “Look someone up in the store who knows how to work the device, so you can get a feel for it.” If you’ve never seen someone use it, it can be a little bit tricky to figure out on your own.

2. Green Cleaning Products

When it comes to the burgeoning category of environmentally friendly cleaning and washing products, Target is tough to beat. Target was the first national retailer to carry the Method line of cleaners, which have built a cult following for their attractive packaging and all-natural ingredients, and it currently stocks more Method products (about 70) than any other big-box store. In addition, if you like niche brands of natural cleaning products such as J.R. Watkins Apothecary, Mrs. Meyer’s, and Seventh Generation, you can get them at Target too — as well as hard-to-find, green versions of mainstream products such as Tide Coldwater Free, which works with high-efficiency washing machines and is made without dyes and perfumes. “They are definitely there first before Walmart on these types of products,” says Sapna Shah, a principal at research firm Retail Eye Partners. 

3. Groceries

As part of its effort to bounce back from the recession, Target is rolling out an expanded grocery section, going head to head with Walmart and Kmart, which have already beefed up their fresh-food sections. Target’s new PFresh section, which sells a decent assortment of perishables such as meat, fruit, fresh produce, and baked goods, finally makes it possible to pick up the fixings for a complete meal while you are at Target shopping for other things. “It has about 70 percent of the things you would find in a full grocery store, and prices are going to be 10 to 20 percent less than at a typical grocery,” says Colin McGranahan, an analyst with Bernstein Research. 
In addition, kids’ snacks such as granola bars and juices can be significantly cheaper at Target than at other big retailers and drugstores, and you can often save more money by registering on Target’s site to have coupons delivered to your smart phone, according to Stephanie Nelson, founder of

4. Cosmetics

Target’s selection of cosmetics and bath and body products has traditionally lagged behind CVS and Walgreen, says Jim Joseph, president of Lippe Taylor, a brand communications firm in New York City that has worked for clients whose products sell at Target. But recently the retailer has extended its cheap chic strategy to carry more designer cosmetics with quality and selections comparable to more expensive department store brands. Recent offerings in this vein include lines from Napoleon Perdis, Petra Strand, and Jemma Kidd. Target is also a good source for hard-to-find makeup brands, such as the U.K.’s Boots beauty products and Iman Cosmetics, a makeup line for women of color, says Kathryn Finney, founder of The Budget Fashionista

Have Fun!  Shop To Save.


Tuesday, November 29, 2011

How to Get the Best Deals Online

In today’s economy, who doesn’t want a great deal?
‘Discount retail’ ranks No. 4 on Entrepreneur’s annual “[10 and 1/2 ] Trends to Watch” list for 2010. It’s no surprise, then, that the online daily deal market – which has grown into a billion-dollar industry in a little more than a year – has become a popular tool for consumers looking to get more bang for their buck.

“In general, a consumer can save between 50-90% [by using online deal websites]; so, we are talking big bucks,” says Jim Moran, co-founder of Yipit – an aggregator website for daily deals. “We’ve seen deals offered across virtually all consumer verticals from restaurants, spas and gyms – to basic services like A/C inspection, car washes, and dentist appointments.” 

Local businesses – which offer the discounts through big sites like Groupon and LivingSocial – take advantage by marking down their services when they have any unused inventory (e.g. open tables at lunch, free salon appointments in the middle of the day, etc.)

The catch? There is none, really. But unlike old-fashioned coupons, these deals often require an upfront payment; you collect the goods or services at a later time.

“Running a daily deal promotion is a form of advertising for local businesses... but they only pay once a deal is sold,” Moran says.

Moran’s partner, Vin Vacanti, suggests Facebook users ‘Like’ their favorite brands or products – or follow them on Twitter – for special exclusive deals available only on company-sponsored pages. (A recent study by Rosetta found that 59% of the top 100 major U.S. retailers are taking advantage of social networking sites.) Nabisco, for example, recently offered its Facebook followers a buy-one-get-one-free coupon for a package of cookies.

Signing up for various site deals could be a bit overwhelming for your inbox; however, the amount you could end up saving – even for a few great deals every now and then – might be worth the extra hassle. One possible solution: Set up a separate e-mail account just for online deals. That way, you can check it sparingly.

Check out these 12 most-popular discount sites:


  • Groupon: The Web's largest daily deal site, offers deals in everything. Average discount: 50%.
  • LivingSocial: Second-largest daily deal site. After purchasing a deal, you'll get it FREE if you share it with three friends and they buy the same deal.
  • BuyWithMe: Provides multiple deals per day, per city; smaller audience, average deal is 50-60%.
  • Tippr: Deals focus on dining and services; discounts increase as more users purchase the deal.


  • Gilt City: Local daily deal offering. Offers a variety of high end restaurants and services at serious discounts. Currently available in New York and Boston – but expanding quickly.
  • BlackboardEats: Offered in San Francisco, New York, and Los Angeles. Restaurant-focused. Deals are free for consumers; provides users with redemption codes good for a month.
  • Angie’s List: Home services deals provided by the successful review site for home contractors. Available in nearly 20 cities, with offers ranging from A/C inspection to framing and maid services.
  • Social Buy: Available in more than 10 cities. General deals plus social events and celebrity recommendations/endorsements.
  • Scoutmob: iPhone-focused daily deal site with emphasis on restaurants and personal services. All deals are free for consumers. Also provides insights on local culture and activities.


  • DealMap: Delivers deals on a map, list, daily e-mail or Twitter feed – all customized to the types of deals each user wants to get.
  • DealQue: Online social shopping community and bargain hunting site. The deals are rated by its users and community.
  • Yipit: Puts together daily deal emails drawing deals from Groupon, LivingSocial, etc. The service offers customized emails based on your interests.
  • 8coupons: See the deals closest to your location using an interactive map.


Safety Information: How to Be Streetwise and Safe

Knowing how to protect yourself can reduce the opportunity for muggers, purse snatchers and other criminals to strike.

Four Basic Rules
  • DO stay alert. Keep your mind on your surroundings, who's in front of you, and who's behind you. Don't get distracted. If you're worried about crime, ask a friend to accompany you when you go out.
  • DO communicate the message that you're calm, confident, and know where you're going. Stand tall, walk purposefully, and make quick eye contact with people around you.
  • DO trust your instincts. If you feel uncomfortable in a place or situation, leave.
  • DO know the neighborhoods where you live and work. Check out the locations of police and fire stations, public telephones, hospitals, restaurants, and stores that are open late.
In The Car
  • Keep your car in good running condition to avoid breakdowns.
  • Drive with all your doors locked. Keep windows rolled up whenever possible.
  • Take the time to check the inside of your vehicle before you get into it. If anything looks disturbed or suspicious, contact a friend or call 9-1-1 to have a deputy check out the car before you get into it alone.
  • Never pick up hitchhikers.
  • If you see another motorist in trouble, signal that you will get help and then go to a telephone and call 9-1-1.
  • If your car breaks down (and you do not have a cell phone), raise the hood, use flares, or tie a white cloth to the door handle or antenna. Stay in the locked car. When someone stops, ask them to phone for help.
  • Park in well-lighted areas that will still be well-lighted when you return. Lock your car doors.
  • Be particularly alert and careful when using underground and enclosed parking garages.
  • If you are being followed while driving, drive to the nearest police or fire station, open gas station or other business, or well-lighted residence where you can safely call 9-1-1. Try to get the car's license number and description. If no safe areas are near, honk the horn repeatedly and turn on your emergency flashers.
When Walking
  • Plan the safest route to your destination and use it. Choose well-lighted busy streets and avoid passing vacant lots, alleys, or construction sites. Take the long way if it is the safest.
  • Know your neighborhood. Find out what stores and restaurants are open late and where the police and fire stations are.
  • Make sure you know where your children are going and when they go out, and encourage them to play with other kids. Show them safe places in the neighborhood where they can go if they ever feel scared.
  • Carry your purse close to your body and keep a firm grip on it. Carry a wallet in an inside coat or side trouser pocket, not in a rear trouser pocket.
  • Do not flaunt expensive jewelry or clothing.
  • Talk while you are facing traffic so you can see approaching cars.
  • Know businesses that are open.
In Elevators
  • Look in the elevator before getting in to be sure no one is hiding.
  • Stand near the controls.
  • Get off if someone suspicious enters. If you're worried about someone who is waiting for the elevator with you, pretend you forgot something and do not get on. (Do not worry about hurting someone's feelings-keeping safe should be your first priority.)
  • If you are attacked, hit the alarm and as many floor buttons as possible.
Jogging, Biking, and Other Outdoor Activities
  • Choose routes in advance that are safe and well populated.
  • Vary your route and schedule.
  • Avoid jogging and biking at night.
  • Consider carrying a "shriek" alarm.
  • Do not wear headphones - it is important to remain alert.
What if It Happens To You?
  • Try to remain calm, try not to panic or show any signs of anger or confusion.
  • If the attacker is only after your purse or other valuables, do not resist. You do not want to escalate a property crime into a violent confrontation.
  • Make a conscious effort to get an accurate description of your attacker: age, race, complexion, body build, height, weight, type and color of clothing.
  • Call 9-1-1 immediately, identify yourself and your location. Contact your local victim assistance agency to help you deal with the trauma that all crime victims experience. They can also help you learn about victim compensation laws and how to follow your case's progress.
On Foot: Day or Night
  • Stick to well-lighted, well-traveled streets. Avoid shortcuts through wooded areas, parking lots, or alleys.
  • Do not flash money or other tempting targets like jewelry or clothing.
  • Carry a purse close to your body, not dangling by the straps. Put a wallet in an inside coat or front pants pocket, not a back pocket. Carry only what is necessary and try not to keep currency and credit cards all in one place.
  • Do not wear shoes or clothing that restrict your movements.
  • Have your car or house key in hand before you reach the door.
  • Try to use automated teller machines in the daytime. Have your card in hand and don't approach the machine if you're uneasy about people nearby. Better yet, only use the ATM machines inside of grocery stores, malls, or gas stations.
  • If you think someone is following you, switch direction or cross the street. Walk toward an open store, restaurant, or lighted house. If someone harasses you, do not be embarrassed. Loudly say, "Leave me alone! Someone call 9-1-1! Get away!"
If Someone Tries to Rob You
  • Do not resist. Give up your property. Do not risk your life.
  • Report the crime to the police. Try to describe the attacker accurately. Your actions can help prevent others from being victims. Take a Stand!
  • Make your neighborhood and working place safer by reporting broken street lights, cleaning up parks and vacant lots, and lobbying local government for better lighting in public places.
  • Initiate a Block Watch program in your neighborhood by contacting your local crime prevention unit.

Family Vacation -- Fun and Safety
Planning a family vacation? Whether the destination is Disneyland, Denver, or Denmark, there are certain things to keep in mind. Making the trip fun and enjoyable for everyone is key. But just as important to the success of your trip will be the steps you take to make it a safe one.

Before You Leave
Preventing crime during family travel starts with making sure your home is protected while you are away. The key is to make it look like you never left.
  • Keep shades and blinds in their normal positions.
  • Stop mail and newspapers, or ask a neighbor to pick them up every day.
  • Put timers on several household lights so they turn on and off at appropriate times.
  • Arrange to have the grass mowed while you're gone.
  • Make sure all of your door and window locks are in working order and make sure to use them.
  • Activate your home alarm system (if you have one).
  • Contact your local police department and have them conduct vacation house checks while you are away.
  • You might even leave a radio on, or put it on a timer. Ask a neighbor to park in your driveway overnight--anything that might suggest someone is home. And, do not forget to lock all doors and windows when you leave.
Packing For Prevention
Preparing for a family trip requires a lot of planning. You need to decide where you are going, where you will stay, and how you will get from one place to another. You also need to decide what to take with you. Planning can decrease the chances of crime joining you on your journey. Listed below are some some tips on what to take:
  • Clean out your wallet or purse before you go; take only essential credit cards. Plan to use credit cards or traveler's checks instead of cash whenever possible.
  • Carry your purse close to your body or your wallet in an inside front pocket. Better yet, take a "fanny pack" or wear a money pouch under your clothes.
  • Pack as lightly as possible. Lots of heavy, cumbersome bags will slow you down and make you more vulnerable to robbery.
  • Expensive, designer luggage can draw unneeded attention to your belongings. Pack your things in inconspicuous bags.
  • Keep a separate record of the contents of checked luggage, and keep anything of value such as medicine and jewelry in a carry-on that stays with you.
Out and About
Your home is secured and you are packed. Now it is time to go. While you and your family are traveling, it is important to remember that tourists make tempting targets for thieves. Often lost or distracted, weighed down with bags, and carrying cameras, plane tickets, money and other valuables, unsuspecting travelers can attract crime like a magnet.
  • The best advice for you and your family is to do all that you can to blend in with the crowd.
  • Do not display expensive jewelry, cameras, bags, and other items that might draw attention.
  • Check maps before you go out so you can tour confidently.
  • Stick to well-lighted, well traveled streets at all times--no shortcuts.
  • Always lock your car when it is parked, even if the stop is brief. Keep valuables out of sight, preferably locked in the trunk. Do not advertise that you are a tourist by leaving maps and guidebooks on the seat or dashboard--keep them in the glove compartment.
  • Traveling safely with your family also means sticking together and keeping an eye on your children at all times. Make sure they know where you are staying (name and address) and teach them what to do if they get lost or separated. You might want to agree on a meeting place, just in case. And by all means, make sure your kids know not to accept rides or favors from strangers. Make your family vacation a memorable one for all the right reasons.

Firearm Safety Information: "Lock-It-Up" Campaign
In 1997 the Harborview Injury Prevention and Research Center convened a coalition of health, public safety, education and community organizations to address the problem of easy access to handguns by children and adolescents. Unsecured firearms in the home, particularly handguns, pose a significant risk for accidental injury and death, suicide and gun theft. The current LOCK-IT-UP campaign grew out of this original coalition.

The target audience is the gun owner who feels the need to keep a gun unlocked and loaded. When handguns are kept for self-protection, they are often kept loaded and readily available. This situation is particularly dangerous in homes where children and adolescents either live or are frequent visitors.

Law enforcement personnel were considered credible gun safety authorities by focus groups of handgun owners. Police have knowledge of firearms and firearms safety, yet are not perceived as a threat to gun ownership. When possible, law enforcement personnel were utilized to promote safe storage of firearms.

The LOCK-IT-UP partners have coordinated to create and distribute compatible and consistent messages about safe firearm storage throughout King, Pierce and Snohomish counties. Consistent and repeated messages are critical to changing community standards and norms in the direction of personal and community responsibility for the safe storage of guns. LOCK-IT-UP partners have developed and implemented a number of intervention strategies and are eager to share the successes and experiences with other interested communities and parties.

To learn more about the "LOCK-IT-UP" Campaign, and what you can do to better protect children from firearms, please visit their website at:

Tips for Safe and Happy Holidays
This holiday season, do not let the spirit of giving lull you into giving burglars, muggers, and pickpockets a better chance to do their dirty work. Crooks love the holidays as much as everyone else, but chiefly because it is an opportune time for crime.

Homes jam-packed with glittering gifts. Stores, malls, and downtown streets teeming with unsuspecting shoppers. People rushing around, stressed out and careless, looking for last-minute gifts, trying to get everything done. It is enough to make a crook giddy with holiday joy!

Here are some tips on how to celebrate safely this holiday season:

If You Are Traveling:
  • Purchase an automatic timer for your lights.
  • Ask a neighbor to watch your home.
  • Do not forget to have mail and newspaper delivery stopped. If it piles up, it is a sure sign you are gone.
If You Are Out For The Evening:
  • Turn on lights and a radio or TV so it looks like someone is home.
  • Be extra cautious about locking doors and windows when you leave, even if it is just for a few minutes.
  • Do not display gifts where they can be seen from the outside.
If You Are Shopping:
  • Stay alert and be aware of what is going on around you.
  • Park in a well-lighted space, and be sure to lock the car, close the windows, and hide shopping bags and gifts in the trunk.
    Avoid carrying large amounts of cash; pay with a check or credit card whenever possible.
  • Deter pickpockets and purse-snatchers. Do not overburden yourself with packages. Be extra careful with purses and wallets.
  • Carry a purse close to your body, not dangling by the straps. Put a wallet in an inside coat or front pants pocket.
  • Shopping with children? Teach them to go to a store clerk or security guard if you get separated. 
If a Stranger Comes to the Door - Beware!
Criminals sometimes pose as couriers delivering gifts. And, it is not uncommon for people to try to take advantage of others' generosity during the holidays by going door-to-door for charitable donations when there is no charity involved. Ask for identification, and find out how the funds will be used. If you are not satisfied, do not give. Help a charitable organization you know and like instead.

Last but not least, do not let holiday stress get the best of your holiday spirit. Make time to get together with family, friends, and neighbors, and think about reaching out in the spirit of the season to help someone who is less fortunate or lonely.

Do your part to make the holidays a safe and happy time for everybody-except criminals!

Home Security Systems
A few "bad apples" have given home security system salespeople a poor reputation. Some are swindlers who will scare homeowners into purchasing their products and even inflate the price to line their own pockets. They may talk customers into a rollover contract that self-renews, forcing the homeowner to pay for another period without authorization.

If you're looking into a home security system, here are a few things to keep in mind to keep from being swindled:
  • Take your time shopping and researching.
  • If a security company wants to charge you more then $50 per month for monitoring, don't do business with them and search for another company. Some companies will quote a very low price on the equipment and its installation and then have an extremely high monthly monitoring fee.
  • Is the monitoring station UL approved? Is the station properly staffed and trained? Gather price quotes from various companies for security and include smoke and fire monitoring.
  • Make a drawing of your home, or a checklist, and figure out how many doors and windows you need to protect.
  • Call your insurance agent and ask what discounts are available on your homeowners insurance and what requirements a security system must meet for you to qualify.
  • Do not lease a burglar alarm.
  • Always contact the Washington State Burglar and Fire Alarm Association for references and referrals. Their number is 800.248.9272.
  • If a salesperson tries to scare you into buying their alarm system, terminate your conversation with them. If they have to scare you into buying their product, how good could it really be? If you want to find out what the criminal statistics are for your particular area (for all crimes) then contact your Community Outreach Deputy at (360) 786-5855 for a report.
  • If an alarm representative tells you that their system connects directly to the 9-1-1 system, terminate your conversation with them immediately. This is against the law and they are lying to you in order to obtain your business. Immediately report them to the Better Business Bureau.
Identity Theft
How Identity Thieves Work
  • They open a new credit card account, using your name, date of birth, and Social Security number. When they use the credit card and don't pay the bills, the delinquent account is reported on your credit report.
  • They call your credit card issuer and, pretending to be you, change the mailing address on your credit card account. Then, your impostor runs up charges on your account. Because your bills are being sent to the new address, you may not immediately realize there is a problem.
  • They establish cellular phone service in your name.
  • They open a bank account in your name and write bad checks on that account.
Kids Home Alone: A Parent's Guide
Families with working parents make up the majority of American families today. These parents share the anxiety, frustration, and even fear involved in leaving children "on their own" when school lets out, child care arrangements with neighbors and relatives break down, or there simply are not any alternatives.

What Can You Do?
  • Make sure your children are ready to care for themselves.
  • Teach them basic safety rules.
  • Know where your kids are, what they are doing, and who they are with.
Are They Ready? Can Your Children:
  • Be trusted to go straight home after school?
  • Easily use the telephone, locks, and kitchen appliances?
  • Follow rules and instructions well?
  • Handle unexpected situations without panicking?
  • Stay alone without being afraid or lonely?
Talk it over with them and listen to their worries and ideas. Work out rules on having friends over, household chores, homework, and television. Remember: staying at home alone can build a child's self-esteem, sense of responsibility, and practical skills.

Teach "Home Alone" Children:
  • How to call 9-1-1.
  • How to give directions to your home in case of an emergency.
  • To check in with you or a neighbor immediately after arriving home.
  • To never accepts gifts or rides from people they don't know well.
  • How to use the door, window locks, and the alarm system if you have one.
  • To never let anyone into the home without asking your permission.
  • To never let a caller at the door or on the phone know that they’re alone (say "Mom can't come to the phone right now").
  • To carry a house key with them in a safe place (inside a shirt pocket or sock) - do not leave it under a mat or on a ledge.
  • How to escape in case of fire.
  • To not go into an empty house or apartment if things do not look right - a broken window, ripped screen, or opened door.
  • To let you know about anything that frightens them or makes them feel uncomfortable.
School Safety
When crime, drugs, and violence spill over from the streets into schools, providing a safe learning environment becomes increasingly difficult. More students carry weapons. Gunfights replace fistfights. Many students must travel through dealer or gang turf. Violence becomes an acceptable way to settle conflicts. When this happens, children cannot learn and teachers cannot teach.

Creating a safe place where children can learn and grow depends on a partnership among students, parents, teachers, and other community institutions.

To help prevent school violence
  • Find out how crime threatens schools in your community.
  • Take action to protect children.
  • Promote nonviolent ways to manage conflict.
How do these ideals translate into action? Here are some practical suggestions for young people, parents, school staff and others in the community.

  • Settle arguments with words, not fists or weapons.
  • Report crimes or suspicious activities to the police, school authorities, or parents.
  • Take safe routes to and from school and know good places to seek help.
  • Do not use alcohol or other drugs and stay away from places and people associated with them.
  • Get involved in your school’s anti-violence activities--have poster contests against violence, hold anti-drug rallies, and volunteer to counsel peers. If there are no programs, help start one.
  • Sharpen your parenting skills. Work with your children to emphasize and build their positive strengths.
  • Teach your children how to reduce their risk of being victims of crime.
  • Know where your kids are, what they are doing, and whom they are with at all times, no matter how old your child is.
  • Help your children learn nonviolent ways to handle frustrations, anger, and conflict.
  • Become involved in your child’s school activities, such as the PTA, field trips, and helping out in class or the lunchroom.
School Staff
  • Evaluate your school's safety objectively. Set targets for improvement.
  • Develop consistent disciplinary policies, good security procedures, and a response plan for emergencies.

Senior Safety Information
Although surveys consistently show that persons over 65 are victims of crime far less frequently than young people, many senior citizens are so worried about crime that they shut themselves up in their homes and rarely go out. But isolating oneself behind locked doors and not getting together with neighbors actually makes it easier for criminals to work in the neighborhood.

Seniors are more vulnerable to certain crimes - purse snatching, mugging, and fraud. But you can reduce opportunities for criminals to strike by being careful, alert, and a good neighbor.

Personal Safety Suggestions
  • If you must carry a purse, hold it close to your body. Don't dangle it.
  • Avoid dark, deserted routes, even if they are the shortest.
  • Whenever possible, travel with a friend to run errands. There is safety in numbers!
  • Have your car or house key in hand as you approach your vehicle or home.
  • If you live alone, don't advertise it. Use only your first initial in phone books, directories, and apartment lobbies. Or better yet, don't list your name and number at all by requesting a non-published number.
  • Never let strangers in your home - ever! They may offer a sob story, to which you can call the police if you wish, but do not open the door!
  • Work out a "buddy" system with a friend to check on each other daily.
  • If you receive checks in the mail regularly, arrange for them to be sent directly to the bank instead.
  • Protect windows and sliding glass doors with good locks or other security devices.
  • Never put your purse or wallet on a counter while you examine merchandise in a store. 
Don't Be Conned
According to the American Association of Retired Persons, older citizens are victims of fraudulent schemes far out of proportion to their population numbers. Keep informed about the latest con schemes in your community by reading the newspaper. Be skeptical about any proposal that sounds too good to be true or has to be kept secret. Don't rush into anything. Check it out with friends, lawyers, or police department.

If you are the victim of fraud, call the police immediately. You may be embarrassed because you were tricked, but your information is vital in catching the con artist and preventing others from being victimized.

Walking and Running Safely
Running and walking continue to be extremely popular sports. Each year, more and more people take up running and walking because it is a quick, inexpensive way to stay fit. If you travel often, running or walking is an excellent way to maintain your exercise regimen. Also, many community centers and neighborhood and senior groups are starting walking clubs. Here are a few pointers to stay safe as you hit the road.

Before You Leave
  • Plan your outing. Always tell someone where you are going and when you will return. Inform friends and family of your favorite exercise routes.
  • Know where telephones are located along the route.
  • Wear an identification tag or carry a driver's license. If you don't have a place to carry your ID, write your name, phone number, and blood type on the inside of your athletic shoe. Include any medical information.
  • Don't wear jewelry or carry cash.
  • Wear reflective material.
On the Road
  • Stay alert at all times. The more aware you are, the less vulnerable you are.
  • Run or walk with a partner and/or a dog.
  • Don't wear headsets. If you wear them you won't hear an approaching car or attacker. Listen to your surroundings.
  • Consider carrying a cellular phone.
  • Exercise in familiar areas. Know which businesses or stores are open.
  • Vary your route.
  • Avoid unpopulated areas, deserted streets, and overgrown trails. Especially avoid poorly lighted areas at night.
  • Run clear of parked cars or bushes.
  • Ignore verbal harassment. Use discretion in acknowledging strangers. Look directly at others and be observant, but keep your distance and keep moving.
  • Run against traffic so you can observe approaching automobiles.
  • Trust your intuition about a person or an area. React based on that intuition and avoid areas you feel unsure about.
  • Be careful if anyone in a car asks you for directions - if you answer, keep at least a full arm's length from the car.
  • If you think you are being followed, change direction and head for an open business, theater, or a lighted house.
  • Have your door key ready before you reach your car or home.
  • Call police immediately if something happens to you or someone else, or you notice anyone out of the ordinary. It is also a good idea to check with police about any criminal activity in the area you plan to run.
Stay Alert
Sometimes runners and walkers get lulled into a "zone" where they are so focused on their exercise they lose track of what's going on around them. This state can make runners and walkers more vulnerable to attack. Walk and run with confidence and purpose. If you get bored running without music, practice identifying characteristics of strangers and memorizing license plate numbers to keep you from "zoning" out.

Away From Home
Many people have taken up running and walking so that they will be able to exercise when they are traveling. Remember, just because you are away from home doesn't mean you can let your guard down when you're exercising. Before you venture out:
  • Check with the hotel staff or concierge to find safe routes for exercise. If there is not an acceptable place to exercise outdoors, see if the hotel can arrange for you to go to a health club or gym.
  • Become familiar with your exercise course before you start. Get a map and study it.
  • Remember the street address of the hotel. Carry a card with your hotel address along with your identification.
  • Leave your room key with the front desk.
  • Follow your usual safety rules.

    Remember:  Always Safety First!
    It does your family, friends, or you, no good to read the above safety tips and not act upon them.   If you are in a situation that you do not like, you can just leave, whether its leaving by walking away, or screaming at the top of your lungs as you are running away.  Your personal decisions, that you make each and every day, will affect you for the remainder of your life,  DON'T TAKE CHANCES, then You will have a less of a chance to become a victim of crime.


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