I am finding more and more people these days, lacking the respect that needs be given to the last generation. As a person grows older, s/he may not be as vigurous as most people, and yet as society grow even bigger and bigger, with more and more people, the last generation is at a loss to those traditions that should be pased from one person tonothe, but the younger generation, seem not to care. Many of these traditions, that span many lifetimes, should be kept aive by the next generation, if only out of respect for their parents, gandparents, friends, neighbors, etc. One of the most beautiful acts that I have seen within the last four months, was a homeless man opening the door of a supermarket fr a much older woman, nd then assisting her to carry her things to her car. Even though this man had nothing, he took the time to show this one person tha people still cared about the previous generation. If nothing else, I applaud this person. Fo the "days are young, and we must all grow older."
Hey, my son is just about ready to turn 5 and I am showing him how to respect his elders. I have been seeing the same things myself, and am quite ticked off with it. I'm glad that my son is following my way of being polite and having courtesy for others. Now, if I can get him potty trained....