He lasted 5 days, then had intercourse with a 9 year old girl, the damage he did to this child will stay with her for the rest of her life. She had to be re-built, the tear from her vagina extended well past her rectum. Everybody seemed to think that they have all the answers, and are not willing to listen to those small voices telling them that hey, "something isn't right," this monster will ruin another life unless you do something drastic and actually remove his penis and testicles. People like this should not be allowed to Breed! I spoke with this person while he was inside, he showed absolutely no remorse for the lives that he has ruined, in fact, re-living the gory details seemed to turn him on.
Now, I know that my Bog has been read by many people, and some of these have actually left comments concerning the contents of this Blog; and I have been asked by people why have I written considerably about Rape; Sexual Assault; Child Molestation, and other Sex Crimes [against both women and men]. And this is my answer:
I've been in prison for 30+ years, this is true; during that time I've studied the law and know how to apply it in ways that most people wouldn't consider; I've spoken to [probably] 1,000 convicted felons concerning their particular cases, their convictions, and have had to keep my mouth shut to others wanting to know what these individuals were in prison for [this is called 'confidentiality' by which all 'legal beagles,' 'legal eagles,' 'brief writers,' and 'jail house lawyers,' sometimes stick to]; during my term of 30+ years, I've heard techniques for committing crimes that was damn difficult to adhere to the confidentiality rule. I detest those individuals who prey on others for sexual gratification. And YES, I am hyper-critical against those who commit sex offenses. The damage that they do to their victims, the victim's family and friends, both physical and emotional cannot ever be reversed. These monsters have had to explain to me their techniques during the initial interview, prior to either acceptance or denial of my legal services for their case. And while a selected few are actually innocent and got the shaft, the majority are guilty as sin and probably should never, NEVER be allowed into society AGAIN!
One of the lowest human beings who has ever graced the Earth, are those men and women, who for their own gratification has chosen to seek out other women, men, girls, and boys for their own sexual urges. These monsters should not be allowed to Breed! To Breath Air. To enjoy life itself! But the Constitution of the Union has declared that "All Men Are Created Equal," and society is stuck with an abnormality of men and women with sexual perversion; so instead of addressing the psychological problem that causes men and women to rape or commit other sexual crimes, the Courts have opted to lock up these people for a period of time and then release them to continue about their ways.
I believe that in order for society to protect itself from these monsters, these predators, that there must be a warning of some type, so that those who need our combined protection may know and understand the techniques that these predators use when they hunt for their next victim.
Thus, I have undertaken a task to enlighten "society" of the 'hunt.' This Blog is dedicated to those individuals who reads my words of wisdom and applies it to themselves, so that they may feel safe again.
I hope that readers now understand the purpose of this blog and my absolute hatred for sex offenders, or those who prey upon others for their own personal gratification.
- Birdymckee {Thomas R. McKee
Wednesday, 3rd November, 2010 at 2148 hrs. (10:48 pm).
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