My body count is in the millions! And I will kill many millions more, you cannot stop this; you might slow me down but – in the coming years many of your closet friends and family members will be visited by me or perhaps by a brother who is also a very proficient serial killer in his own right, woe is the world, as we are now here, better together than apart!
Make no mistake, I am the king of Serial Killers! The crowned prince of chaos, I pass international borders at will, I have killed thousands in countries both far and near.
Many have known me, and those that I have met, have themselves met a terrible fate; for I know no age groups, I kill new born infants, and old ladies with a cane as well ….
I do not care what you have done in this life, I do not care that you are a good Christian, It does not bother me that you have spent your entire life helping others, and I do not care what sex you may be, male / female / (of in some cases ‘do not know’); nor do I care what your nationality is, it matters not!
I have killed politicians, police officers, doctors, post men, military leaders, both men and woman, I have killed entire families! And I care not!
I do not care what your emotional state is, (however those that are mentally unstable, tend to be victims of choice), I care not that you are already ill (people like you do not like me as you are frail and need to pass quickly to the other side, and I am the facilitator of that movement process), nor does your medical knowledge save you from me.
I am the monster in the dark.
When I arrived, everyone who met me was most eager to have me met all their friends, and family members, and colleagues ...
All the people were so nice. Now they are dead and I am hungrily looking for new friends…
I really do not care who you are;
I do not care how much you made last year;
Going to church every Sunday, doesn’t help you either;
So you now the mayor …. And now I know the mayor …
And you have kids too, I will meet them as well
And I will meet all your friend and all of their friends, and their friends too
I am here,
I am there,
I am everywhere!
I am in your bedroom,
I am watching,
I am waiting and I may not get you yet.
BUT, I will always be here with everyone
I will kill for years!
People who have met me have died! Their friend have died! I have killed their families, one by one. Many know me, many guard against me, and though I may not get you at that time, you will let your guard down, and I will be there!
And who am I?
My name is: CORONA VIRUS
You have met my Brothers before my SARS and the twin MARS.
There are others in my family whom you have met: The include Grampa AIDS, and Grandma HIV, and then there’s EBOLA
WE ARE HERE, and woe to the people ….
As always, stay safe!
- bird
***I will see you next time ***
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